property Object ( [language] => hr [id] => 1852 [unit_id] => 3744 [row] => Array ( [property_id] => 1852 [property_code] => HR-01852 [property_type_id] => 10 [property_name] => Array ( [hr] => DANICA ) [description_short] =>Ova šarmantna obiteljska kuća s dva moderno uređena apartmana i bazenom smještena je u mirnom dijelu Crikvenice, u neposrednoj blizini poznate pješčane plaže Crni mol.
Svaki od dva apartmana nudi udoban smještaj za 4-5 osoba, s modernim i funkcionalnim interijerom. Prostrani apartmani osiguravaju osjećaj domaće atmosfere uz sve potrebne sadržaje za bezbrižan odmor.
Dopušten je boravak kućnih ljubimaca uz dnevnu naknadu od 10,00 EUR po ljubimcu, čineći ovo mjesto savršenim izborom za sve one koji na odmor žele povesti i svoje četveronožne prijatelje.
U prizemlju kuće nalazi se zajednički salon, idealan za druženje i zabavu. Opremljen je stolom za biljar, pikado konzolom, kućnim kinom i PlayStationom 4 s izborom igara, pružajući mogućnosti za zabavu kako odraslima, tako i djeci. Salon je otvoren svakodnevno od 12:00 do 22:00 i potpuno je besplatan za goste.
Za ljubitelje sporta i rekreacije, domaćin kuće, profesionalni teniski trener, nudi privatne satove tenisa prema dogovoru. Teniski teren, udaljen samo 350 metara od kuće, dostupan je za sve koji žele poboljšati svoje vještine ili se jednostavno zabaviti na svježem zraku.
Eksterijer kuće osmišljen je tako da pruži maksimalnu udobnost i opuštanje. Gostima je na raspolaganju zajednička terasa, idealna za jutarnje ispijanje kave ili večernja druženja. Ekološki bazen, površine 28 m², opremljen je vanjskim tušem i udobnim ležaljkama za sunčanje. Bazen je u funkciji od 1. svibnja do 1. studenog, što omogućuje gostima da uživaju u vodi tijekom većeg dijela godine.
U suterenu kuće nalazi se mali supermarket u kojem gosti mogu obaviti osnovnu kupovinu, čime se dodatno olakšava svakodnevni boravak.
Iza kuće je osigurano privatno parkiralište rezervirano isključivo za goste, što dodatno olakšava boravak u ljetnim mjesecima.
Ova kuća nudi savršeni spoj udobnosti, rekreacije i praktičnosti. Smještaj u blizini jedne od najljepših plaža u regiji, zajedno s brojnim sadržajima i ljubaznim domaćinom, čini ovo mjesto idealnim za obitelji, parove ili grupe prijatelja koji žele uživati u pravom mediteranskom odmoru. Bez obzira na to tražite li opuštanje uz bazen, zabavne aktivnosti ili rekreaciju, ova kuća ima sve što vam je potrebno za nezaboravan odmor.Napomena: korištenje perilice rublja po pranju 7,00 EUR
[description_long] =>Ovaj objekt nudi 2 apartmana svaki za 4-5 osoba u kojima su dozvoljeni kućni ljubimci.
U prizemlju se nalazi zajednička soba s TV-om i biljarom, a vani je zajednička terasa, ekološki bazen površine 28 m² s vanjskim tušem i ležaljkama.
Troškovi za kućnog ljubimca po danu iznosi 10,00 EUR, korištenje perilice rublja po pranju 7,00 EUR
Bazen je u funkciji od 01.05.-01.11.
[description_o_poliklinici] => [chain] => [resort] => [category] => 3 [lat] => 45.185525 [lon] => 14.679233 [address1] => Brace dr. Sobol 44 [address2] => [zip] => 51260 [destination] => Crikvenica [destination_id] => HR-51260-02 [island] => [subregion_id] => CRIKVENICA_VINODOL [region_id] => ISTRA_KVARNER [country_id] => HR [tel1] => [tel2] => [fax1] => [fax2] => [email1] => [email2] => [web] => [trust_you] => [priority] => Array ( [country] => 999 [region] => 999 [destination] => 999 ) [booktype] => Array ( [0] => 100 [1] => 200 ) [facilities2] => Array ( [char_basic] => Array ( [main] => Array ( [owner_in_house] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => owner_in_house [facility] => owner_in_house ) ) [sport_zabava] => Array ( [in_billiard] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => in_billiard [facility] => in_billiard ) ) ) [char_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => view_sea [facility] => view_sea ) ) ) [property_extra_service] => Array ( [sg_extra_service_main] => Array ( [transfer_to_airport] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => transfer_to_airport [facility] => transfer_to_airport ) ) ) [property_in_main_set] => Array ( [main] => Array ( [owner_in_house] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => owner_in_house [facility] => owner_in_house ) ) [property_equipment] => Array ( [air_condition] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_air_condition [facility] => air_condition ) [tv_room] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => tv_room [facility] => tv_room ) [terrace] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => terrace [facility] => terrace ) ) [sg_service] => Array ( [service_bed_only] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => service_bed_only [facility] => service_bed_only ) ) [sport_zabava] => Array ( [in_billiard] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => in_billiard [facility] => in_billiard ) ) [spa_pool] => Array ( [in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat [facility] => in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat ) ) [sg_special] => Array ( [special_summer] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_special_summer [facility] => special_summer ) [special_family] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_special_family [facility] => special_family ) [special_pets] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_special_pets [facility] => special_pets ) ) [sg_language] => Array ( [language_hr] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_language_hr [facility] => language_hr ) [language_de] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_language_de [facility] => language_de ) ) ) [property_backyard] => Array ( [parking_garage] => Array ( [in_parking_place] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_in_parking_place [facility] => in_parking_place ) ) [backyard] => Array ( [use_grill] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => use_grill [facility] => use_grill ) [in_garden_forniture] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => in_garden_forniture [facility] => in_garden_forniture ) ) ) [property_infrastructure] => Array ( [sg_electricity] => Array ( [electricity_network_220] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => electricity_network_220 [facility] => electricity_network_220 ) ) [sg_water] => Array ( [water_supply] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => water_supply [facility] => water_supply ) ) [sg_hot_water] => Array ( [hot_water_boiler_electric] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => hot_water_boiler_electric [facility] => hot_water_boiler_electric ) ) ) [property_location_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => view_sea [facility] => view_sea ) ) ) [property_food_beverages] => Array ( [sg_property_food_beverages_main] => Array ( [meals_in_property] => Array ( [value] => meals_not_serve [translation] => meals_in_property [facility] => meals_in_property ) ) [sg_property_food_bev_meals] => Array ( [breakfast_in_property] => Array ( [value] => breakfast_not_serve [translation] => breakfast_in_property [facility] => breakfast_in_property ) [lunch_in_property] => Array ( [value] => lunch_not_serve [translation] => lunch_in_property [facility] => lunch_in_property ) [dinner_in_property] => Array ( [value] => dinner_not_serve [translation] => dinner_in_property [facility] => dinner_in_property ) ) ) [property_common] => Array ( [disg_common] => Array ( [center] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_distance_center [facility] => center ) [dis_park] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => dis_park [facility] => dis_park ) [sea] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => char_distance_sea [facility] => sea ) [dis_hospital] => Array ( [value] => 1.5 [translation] => dis_hospital [facility] => dis_hospital ) [dis_police] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => dis_police [facility] => dis_police ) ) [disg_transport] => Array ( [bus] => Array ( [value] => 1.3 [translation] => char_distance_bus [facility] => bus ) [public_transport] => Array ( [value] => 1.5 [translation] => char_public_transport [facility] => public_transport ) [dis_taxi] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => dis_taxi [facility] => dis_taxi ) [train] => Array ( [value] => 40 [translation] => char_distance_train [facility] => train ) [airport] => Array ( [value] => 25 [translation] => char_distance_airport [facility] => airport ) ) ) [property_sea_activities] => Array ( [disg_sea] => Array ( [beach_bar] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_beach_bar [facility] => beach_bar ) [water_sports] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_water_sports [facility] => water_sports ) [diving] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_diving [facility] => diving ) [water_skiing] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_water_skiing [facility] => water_skiing ) ) [disg_beaches] => Array ( [beach_concrete] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => char_beach_concrete [facility] => beach_concrete ) [beach] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => char_beach [facility] => beach ) [beach_sandy] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_beach_sandy [facility] => beach_sandy ) [beach_shingle] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => char_beach_shingle [facility] => beach_shingle ) ) ) [property_sport_distance] => Array ( [sport] => Array ( [badminton] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_badminton [facility] => badminton ) [bike_rent] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_bike_rent [facility] => bike_rent ) [sport_equipment_rent] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_sport_equipment_rent [facility] => sport_equipment_rent ) [basketball] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_basketball [facility] => basketball ) [mini_golf] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_mini_golf [facility] => mini_golf ) [soccer] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => package_char_soccer [facility] => soccer ) [pintball] => Array ( [value] => 0.3 [translation] => char_pintball [facility] => pintball ) [paragliding] => Array ( [value] => 8 [translation] => char_paragliding [facility] => paragliding ) [table_tennis] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_table_tennis [facility] => table_tennis ) [tennis] => Array ( [value] => 0.3 [translation] => char_tennis [facility] => tennis ) [distance_stadium] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => distance_stadium [facility] => distance_stadium ) [distance_body_water] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => distance_body_water [facility] => distance_body_water ) ) ) [property_shop_services] => Array ( [disg_shops] => Array ( [kiosk] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_kiosk [facility] => kiosk ) [supermarket] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_supermarket [facility] => supermarket ) [souvenirshop] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_souvenirshop [facility] => souvenirshop ) [grocery_shop] => Array ( [value] => 0.03 [translation] => char_shop [facility] => grocery_shop ) [green_market] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_market [facility] => green_market ) ) [disg_services] => Array ( [bank] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_bank [facility] => bank ) [atm] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_atm [facility] => atm ) [hairdresser] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_hairdresser [facility] => hairdresser ) [exchange] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_exchange [facility] => exchange ) [post] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_post [facility] => post ) [restaurant] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => char_restaurant [facility] => restaurant ) ) ) [property_hoby_leisure] => Array ( [hoby] => Array ( [distance_lake] => Array ( [value] => 10 [translation] => distance_lake [facility] => distance_lake ) [fishing] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => package_char_fishing [facility] => fishing ) ) [leisure] => Array ( [bar] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => char_bar [facility] => bar ) [casino] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_casino [facility] => casino ) [disco] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_disco [facility] => disco ) [night_bar] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => char_night_bar [facility] => night_bar ) [distance_going_out] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => distance_going_out [facility] => distance_going_out ) ) ) [real_distance] => Array ( [rdsg_food] => Array ( [real_distance_restaurant] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_restaurant [facility] => real_distance_restaurant ) [real_distance_caffebar] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_caffebar [facility] => real_distance_caffebar ) ) [rdsg_shop] => Array ( [real_distance_other_shop] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_other_shop [facility] => real_distance_other_shop ) [real_distance_market] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_market [facility] => real_distance_market ) [real_distance_generalsupplies] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_generalsupplies [facility] => real_distance_generalsupplies ) ) ) [real_distance_transport] => Array ( [rdsg_kopno] => Array ( [real_distance_bus] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_bus [facility] => real_distance_bus ) [real_distance_train] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_train [facility] => real_distance_train ) [real_distance_highway] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_highway [facility] => real_distance_highway ) ) [rdsg_zrak] => Array ( [real_distance_airport] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => transfer_real_airports [facility] => real_distance_airport ) ) [rdsg_more] => Array ( [real_distance_ferry] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_ferry [facility] => real_distance_ferry ) ) ) [real_distance_sights] => Array ( [rdsg_nature] => Array ( [real_distance_beach] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_beach [facility] => real_distance_beach ) [real_distance_seaocean] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_seaocean [facility] => real_distance_seaocean ) [real_distance_lake] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_lake [facility] => real_distance_lake ) [real_distance_nature] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_nature [facility] => real_distance_nature ) ) [rdsg_culture] => Array ( [real_distance_museum] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_museum [facility] => real_distance_museum ) [real_distance_culture] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => real_distance_culture [facility] => real_distance_culture ) ) ) [kids_policy] => Array ( [sg_kids_policy] => Array ( [kids_allowed] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => kids_allowed [facility] => kids_allowed ) ) ) [house_rules] => Array ( [sg_house_rules] => Array ( [parties_allowed] => Array ( [value] => no [translation] => parties_allowed [facility] => parties_allowed ) ) ) [property_internet_parking_pets] => Array ( [property_sg_internet] => Array ( [property_internet_paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes_free [translation] => internet-paidorfree [facility] => property_internet_paidorfree ) [property_internet_connectiontype] => Array ( [value] => wifi [translation] => internet-connectiontype [facility] => property_internet_connectiontype ) [property_internet_location] => Array ( [value] => some_rooms [translation] => internet-location [facility] => property_internet_location ) ) [property_sg_parking] => Array ( [property_parking_paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => parking_yes_free [translation] => parking-paidorfree [facility] => property_parking_paidorfree ) [property_parking_privateorpublic] => Array ( [value] => private [translation] => parking-privateorpublic [facility] => property_parking_privateorpublic ) [property_parking_location] => Array ( [value] => on_site [translation] => parking-location [facility] => property_parking_location ) [property_parking_reservation] => Array ( [value] => not_needed [translation] => property_parking_reservation [facility] => property_parking_reservation ) ) [property_sg_pets] => Array ( [pets_allowed] => Array ( [value] => yes_pets [translation] => pets_allowed [facility] => pets_allowed ) [pets_charges_yes_no] => Array ( [value] => pets_charges_may_apply [translation] => pets_charges_yes_no [facility] => pets_charges_yes_no ) [property_pets_yes_no_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => pets_yes_no_7 [facility] => property_pets_yes_no_7 ) [property_pets_over_7] => Array ( [value] => on-inquiry [translation] => pets_over_7 [facility] => property_pets_over_7 ) ) ) [property_extras_to_pay_and_conditions] => Array ( [property_final_cleaning] => Array ( [property_final_cleaning] => Array ( [value] => final-cleaning-in-price [translation] => final_cleaning [facility] => property_final_cleaning ) ) [property_security_deposit] => Array ( [property_deposit_obligatory] => Array ( [value] => deposit-is-obligatory [translation] => deposit_obligatory [facility] => property_deposit_obligatory ) ) [property_bed_linen] => Array ( [property_bed_linen] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => bed_linen [facility] => property_bed_linen ) [property_bed_linen_change] => Array ( [value] => bed_linen_change_weekly [translation] => bed_linen_change [facility] => property_bed_linen_change ) ) [property_towels] => Array ( [property_towels] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => towels [facility] => property_towels ) [property_towels_change] => Array ( [value] => towels_change_weekly [translation] => towels_change [facility] => property_towels_change ) [property_towels_set] => Array ( [value] => towels_pperson_standard_plus_mini [translation] => towels_set [facility] => property_towels_set ) ) [property_kitchen_cloth] => Array ( [property_kitchen_cloths] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => kitchen_cloths [facility] => property_kitchen_cloths ) ) [property_sg_gas] => Array ( [property_gas_supply] => Array ( [value] => yes-gas-in-price [translation] => gas_supply [facility] => property_gas_supply ) ) [property_sg_electricity] => Array ( [property_electrical_energy] => Array ( [value] => yes-electicity-in-price [translation] => electrical_energy [facility] => property_electrical_energy ) ) [property_sg_water] => Array ( [property_water_supply_charge] => Array ( [value] => yes-water-in-price [translation] => water_supply_charge [facility] => property_water_supply_charge ) ) [property_extras_others] => Array ( [property_heating1] => Array ( [value] => no-heating [translation] => heating1 [facility] => property_heating1 ) ) ) [policies_cancellation_conditions] => Array ( [policies_cancelation] => Array ( [penalty_no_show] => Array ( [value] => padl_posto_100 [translation] => penalty_no_show [facility] => penalty_no_show ) ) ) [policies_free_cancellation_ar] => Array ( [sg_free_cancelation_ar] => Array ( [free_cancelation_er] => Array ( [value] => 24-hour-ar [translation] => free_cancelation_early_reservation [facility] => free_cancelation_er ) [free_cancelation_3_days] => Array ( [value] => 4-hour-ar [translation] => free_cancelation_3_days [facility] => free_cancelation_3_days ) [free_cancelation_last_day] => Array ( [value] => not-available [translation] => free_cancelation_last_day [facility] => free_cancelation_last_day ) ) ) [mandatory_at_reservation] => Array ( [sq_mandatory_at_reservation] => Array ( [InformArrivalTime] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => InformArrivalTime [facility] => InformArrivalTime ) [key_pickup] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => key_pickup [facility] => key_pickup ) [key_pickup_address_client_id] => Array ( [value] => 125736 [translation] => key_pickup_address_client_id [facility] => key_pickup_address_client_id ) ) ) [property_main_year] => Array ( [] => Array ( [katastarska_cestica] => Array ( [value] => 2593/9 [translation] => katastarska_cestica [facility] => katastarska_cestica ) [year_renovated] => Array ( [value] => 2020 [translation] => year_renovated [facility] => year_renovated ) [year_rent_start] => Array ( [value] => 2009 [translation] => year_rent_start [facility] => year_rent_start ) ) ) [check_in_out] => Array ( [] => Array ( [use_property_check_in_out] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => use_property_check_in_out [facility] => use_property_check_in_out ) [unit_page_view] => Array ( [value] => standard_unit_view [translation] => unit_page_view [facility] => unit_page_view ) [property_obracun] => Array ( [value] => PPOM [translation] => property_obracun [facility] => property_obracun ) [checkin_od] => Array ( [value] => 14:00 [translation] => checkin_od [facility] => checkin_od ) [checkin_do] => Array ( [value] => 20:00 [translation] => checkin_do [facility] => checkin_do ) [checkout_od] => Array ( [value] => 08:00 [translation] => checkout_od [facility] => checkout_od ) [checkout_do] => Array ( [value] => 10:00 [translation] => checkout_do [facility] => checkout_do ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [] => Array ( [description_about_property_frontname] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => description_about_property_frontname [facility] => description_about_property_frontname ) [description_about_property_short] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => description_about_property_short [facility] => description_about_property_short ) [description_about_property_long] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => description_about_property_long [facility] => description_about_property_long ) [description_about_neighborhood] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => description_about_neighborhood [facility] => description_about_neighborhood ) ) ) ) [work_hours] => Array ( [mon] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [tue] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [wed] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [thu] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [fri] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [sat] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 13:00:00 ) ) ) [social] => Array ( ) [property_contact] => Array ( ) [advertised_status] => [phone] => [open_from] => 01-01 [open_until] => 12-31 [check_in_from] => 14:00 [check_out_until] => 10:00 [facilities] => Array ( [0] => electricity_network_220 [1] => water_supply [2] => hot_water_supply [3] => special_summer [4] => special_family [5] => special_winter [6] => special_pets [7] => view_sea [8] => paying_cash [9] => service_bed_only [10] => language_hr [11] => language_en [12] => owner_in_house [13] => use_grill ) [distances] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 21 ) [1] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.3 ) [2] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.2 ) [3] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.03 ) [4] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.5 ) [5] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.8 ) [6] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 2 ) [7] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.03 ) [8] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.5 ) [9] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.8 ) [10] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 1.5 ) [11] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 21 ) [12] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.2 ) [13] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.5 ) [14] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.2 ) [15] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 10 ) [16] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 1.4 ) [17] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.6 ) [18] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.9 ) [19] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 1 ) [20] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.4 ) [21] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 0.5 ) [22] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 1.4 ) [23] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 2 ) [24] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 40 ) [25] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 40 ) [26] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 13 ) [27] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 40 ) [28] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 30 ) [29] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 120 ) [30] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 35 ) [31] => Array ( [point] => [description] => [distance] => 1.4 ) [32] => Array ( [point] => center [description] => [distance] => 1 ) [33] => Array ( [point] => train [description] => [distance] => 40 ) [34] => Array ( [point] => airport [description] => [distance] => 20 ) ) [pictures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1366 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [1] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [2] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [3] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [4] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [5] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [6] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [7] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [8] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [9] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [10] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [11] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [12] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 796 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [13] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 795 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [14] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [15] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [16] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 802 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [17] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 804 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [18] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 799 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [19] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [20] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 899 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [21] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 899 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [22] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [23] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 848 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [24] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 848 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [hr] => ) [cancellation_policy] => Array ( [hr] => ) [payment_schedule] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [date_base] => date_option [days] => 0 [percent] => 30 [method_1] => bankaccount [method_2] => [method_3] => ) [1] => Array ( [date_base] => date_checkin [days] => 0 [percent] => 70 [method_1] => bankaccount [method_2] => cash [method_3] => ) ) [id_owner_c] => 191442 [owner_naziv] => Luka Mofčan [owner_web] => [owner_address] => [owner_zip] => [owner_place] => [owner_country] => [owner_contacts] => Array ( [TEL] => Luka 091 222 0425, 091/579-4121 051/785 240 01/611-7030 [WHATSAPP] => +385912220425 ) [id_bureau_by_client] => 125736 [agency_naziv] => Ulli Travel d.o.o. [agency_code] => HR-AB-51-080906713 [agency_address] => [agency_zip] => [agency_place] => [agency_country] => [agency_contacts] => Array ( [EMAIL] => [email protected] [TEL] => +38551784134 [WHATSAPP] => +385 97 778 4130 ) [meersicht_naziv] => Adriatic Travel Design d.o.o. [meersicht_code] => HR-AB-52-040190525 [meersicht_address] => [meersicht_zip] => [meersicht_place] => [meersicht_country] => HR [meersicht_contacts] => Array ( [EMAIL] => [email protected] [TEL] => +385 (0)52 617770 ) [property_units] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_cjenik] => 70719 [property_id] => 1852 [inquiry] => 1 [online] => 1 [property_unit_id] => 3744 [property_unit_code] => HR-01852-01 [property_unit_type_id] => 10 [island] => [city] => Crikvenica [id_country] => HR [property_unit_name] => Array ( [hr] => DANICA 1 ) [unit_type_name] => Dvosobni apartman [property_type_name] => Privatni apartmani [lat] => 45.185525 [lon] => 14.679233 [category] => 3 [owner_email] => [email protected] [description_unit_short] =>Ovaj apartman je u blizini pješčane plaže u Crikvenici. U suterenu ove kuće nalazi se mali supermarket.
Ovaj je stan moderno i luksuzno uređen. S balkona apartmana i dnevnog boravka pruža se prekrasan pogled na more.
[description_unit_long] =>Ovaj apartman je u blizini pješčane plaže u Crikvenici. U suterenu ove kuće nalazi se mali supermarket.
Ovaj je stan moderno i luksuzno uređen. S balkona apartmana i dnevnog boravka pruža se prekrasan pogled na more.
U prizemlju kuće nalazi se zajednički salon koji je opremljen stolom za biljar, pikado konzolom, kućnim kinom i Playstation 4 s igrama.
Dnevni boravak je besplatan i otvoren je od 12:00 do 22:00.Domaćin, koji je po zanimanju trener tenisa, nudi satove tenisa po dogovoru. Teniski teren udaljen je 350 metara od apartmana.
Dnevni boravak:
Dnevni boravak/blagovaonica i kuhinja nalaze se u jednoj sobi, balkon, pogled na more, pločice, SAT TV, 1 pomoćni ležajKuhinja:
Kuhinja, posuđe, kuhinjske krpe, električni štednjak, ploče za kuhanje: 4, pećnica, hladnjak sa zamrzivačem, aparat za filter kavu, mikrovalna pećnica, perilica posuđaSpavaća soba:
Dvokrevetna soba s bračnim krevetom, parketom
Dvokrevetna soba sa odvojenim krevetima, parketomKupaonica:
Kupaonica s WC-om, tušem
Odvojeni WCBalkon/terasa:
Vlastiti balkon, natkriven, pogled na more, namještaj za sjedenje, površina balkona: 25 m²Više informacija:
Roštilj, parking na posjedu, kućni ljubimci su dozvoljeni, naknada za kućnog ljubimca: 10 eura, klima uređaj, vlasnik živi u istoj kući, posteljina na raspolaganju, ručnici na raspolaganju, perilica rublja kod iznajmljivača uz naknadu, naknada za perilicu rublja po pranju: 7 eura, internet putem W-LAN-a
Dječji krevetić i dječja stolica su na raspolaganju.
Iza kuće je privatno parkiralište rezervirano za goste ove kuće.U istoj kući nalazi se gotovo identičan apartman. Veće obitelji mogu rezervirati oba apartmana.
Molimo da obratite pozornost na to da su svi djelovi ovog ugostiteljskog objekta isključivo namjenjeni uporabi gostima ove kuće.
[quantity] => 1 [area] => 82 [floor] => 1 [persons_beds_basic] => 4 [persons_beds_additional] => 1 [facilities] => Array ( [property_in_main_set] => Array ( [main] => Array ( [owner_in_house] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => vlasnik živi u objektu ) ) [sport_zabava] => Array ( [in_billiard] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => biljar [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_equipment] => Array ( [air_condition] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => klima u zajedničkim prostorima ) [tv_room] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => tv sala ) [terrace] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => terasa [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_service] => Array ( [service_bed_only] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => noćenje ) ) [spa_pool] => Array ( [in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => bazen, negrijani, otvoreni, slatkovodni [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_special] => Array ( [special_summer] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => ljetni odmor ) [special_family] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => obiteljski odmor ) [special_pets] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => kućni ljubimci dobrodošli ) ) [sg_language] => Array ( [language_hr] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => hrvatski ) [language_de] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => njemački ) ) ) [property_location_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => more ) ) ) [property_extra_service] => Array ( [sg_extra_service_main] => Array ( [transfer_to_airport] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Dodaj aerodrom [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_backyard] => Array ( [parking_garage] => Array ( [in_parking_place] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Vlastito parkiralište uz objekt [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [backyard] => Array ( [use_grill] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => omogućena uporaba roštilja ) [in_garden_forniture] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Vrtna garnitura, namještaj [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_infrastructure] => Array ( [sg_electricity] => Array ( [electricity_network_220] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => javna mreža 220 V ) ) [sg_water] => Array ( [water_supply] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => vodovod ) ) [sg_hot_water] => Array ( [hot_water_boiler_electric] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => bojler na struju ) ) ) [property_food_beverages] => Array ( [sg_property_food_beverages_main] => Array ( [meals_in_property] => Array ( [value] => meals_not_serve [translation] => Posluživanje hrane u objektu [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_property_food_bev_meals] => Array ( [breakfast_in_property] => Array ( [value] => breakfast_not_serve [translation] => Doručak [lat] => [lon] => ) [lunch_in_property] => Array ( [value] => lunch_not_serve [translation] => Ručak [lat] => [lon] => ) [dinner_in_property] => Array ( [value] => dinner_not_serve [translation] => Večera [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_common] => Array ( [disg_common] => Array ( [center] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => Središte grada ) [dis_park] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => park, zelena površina [lat] => [lon] => ) [sea] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => More [lat] => [lon] => ) [dis_hospital] => Array ( [value] => 1.5 [translation] => bolnica, hitna pomoć [lat] => [lon] => ) [dis_police] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => policija [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [disg_transport] => Array ( [bus] => Array ( [value] => 1.3 [translation] => autobusne stanice [lat] => [lon] => ) [public_transport] => Array ( [value] => 1.5 [translation] => javni prijevoz [lat] => [lon] => ) [dis_taxi] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => taxi [lat] => [lon] => ) [train] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 40 [translation] => Željeznička stanica ) [airport] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 25 [translation] => Zračna luka ) ) ) [property_sea_activities] => Array ( [disg_sea] => Array ( [beach_bar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => bar na plaži ) [water_sports] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => ostali sportovi i zabava na vodi ) [diving] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => ronjenje ) [water_skiing] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => skijanje na vodi ) ) [disg_beaches] => Array ( [beach_concrete] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => betonska plaža [lat] => [lon] => ) [beach] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.2 [translation] => javna plaža ) [beach_sandy] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => pješčana plaža [lat] => [lon] => ) [beach_shingle] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => šljunčana plaža [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_sport_distance] => Array ( [sport] => Array ( [badminton] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => badminton ) [bike_rent] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => iznajmljivanje bicikala ) [sport_equipment_rent] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => iznajmljivanje sportske opreme ) [basketball] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => košarka ) [mini_golf] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => mini-golf ) [soccer] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => nogomet ) [pintball] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.3 [translation] => paintball ) [paragliding] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 8 [translation] => paragliding ) [table_tennis] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => stolni tenis ) [tennis] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.3 [translation] => tenis ) [distance_stadium] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => stadion [lat] => [lon] => ) [distance_body_water] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => vodena površina [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_shop_services] => Array ( [disg_shops] => Array ( [kiosk] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => kiosk (novine i sl.) ) [supermarket] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => super-market ) [souvenirshop] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => suvenirnica ) [grocery_shop] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.03 [translation] => trgovina ) [green_market] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => tržnica ) ) [disg_services] => Array ( [bank] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => banka ) [atm] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => bankomat ) [hairdresser] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => frizerski salon ) [exchange] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => mjenjačnica ) [post] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => pošta ) [restaurant] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.2 [translation] => restoran ) ) ) [property_hoby_leisure] => Array ( [hoby] => Array ( [distance_lake] => Array ( [value] => 10 [translation] => Jezero [lat] => [lon] => ) [fishing] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => ribolov ) ) [leisure] => Array ( [bar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => bar ) [casino] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => casino ) [disco] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => disco ) [night_bar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => noćni bar ) [distance_going_out] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => Izlazak, zabava [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [real_distance] => Array ( [rdsg_food] => Array ( [real_distance_restaurant] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Restorani [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_caffebar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Caffe-bar ) ) [rdsg_shop] => Array ( [real_distance_other_shop] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Ostali trgovački sadržaji [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_market] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Market [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_generalsupplies] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Trgovački centri [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [real_distance_transport] => Array ( [rdsg_kopno] => Array ( [real_distance_bus] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Autobus [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_train] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Željeznička stanica ) [real_distance_highway] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Autoput (izlaz) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [rdsg_zrak] => Array ( [real_distance_airport] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Zračna luka ) ) [rdsg_more] => Array ( [real_distance_ferry] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Trajekt (luka) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [real_distance_sights] => Array ( [rdsg_nature] => Array ( [real_distance_beach] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Plaže [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_seaocean] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => More/ocean [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_lake] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Jezero [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_nature] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Ostale prirodne znamenitosti ) ) [rdsg_culture] => Array ( [real_distance_museum] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Muzeji [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_culture] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Ostale kulturne znamenitosti [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [kids_policy] => Array ( [sg_kids_policy] => Array ( [kids_allowed] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Dozvoljen boravak djece [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [house_rules] => Array ( [sg_house_rules] => Array ( [parties_allowed] => Array ( [value] => no [translation] => Priređivanje zabava [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_internet_parking_pets] => Array ( [property_sg_internet] => Array ( [property_internet_paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes_free [translation] => Postoji li veza na internet i njegov status [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_internet_connectiontype] => Array ( [value] => wifi [translation] => Tip internet veze [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_internet_location] => Array ( [value] => some_rooms [translation] => Dostupnost internet veze [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_parking] => Array ( [property_parking_paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => parking_yes_free [translation] => Parkirališno mjesto [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_parking_privateorpublic] => Array ( [value] => private [translation] => Tip parkirališnog mjesta [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_parking_location] => Array ( [value] => on_site [translation] => Lokacija parkirališnog mjesta [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_parking_reservation] => Array ( [value] => not_needed [translation] => Rezervacija parkirališnog mjesta [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_pets] => Array ( [pets_allowed] => Array ( [value] => yes_pets [translation] => Kućni ljubimci [lat] => [lon] => ) [pets_charges_yes_no] => Array ( [value] => pets_charges_may_apply [translation] => Dodatna plaćanja za kućne ljubimce [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_pets_yes_no_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => Manji kućni ljubimci (do 7 kg) [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_pets_over_7] => Array ( [value] => on-inquiry [translation] => Kućni ljubimci teži od 7 kg [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_extras_to_pay_and_conditions] => Array ( [property_final_cleaning] => Array ( [property_final_cleaning] => Array ( [value] => final-cleaning-in-price [translation] => Završno čišćenje [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_security_deposit] => Array ( [property_deposit_obligatory] => Array ( [value] => deposit-is-obligatory [translation] => Depozit (za slučaj štete) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_bed_linen] => Array ( [property_bed_linen] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Posteljina [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_bed_linen_change] => Array ( [value] => bed_linen_change_weekly [translation] => Mijenjanje posteljine [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_towels] => Array ( [property_towels] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Ručnici [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_towels_change] => Array ( [value] => towels_change_weekly [translation] => Promjena ručnika [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_towels_set] => Array ( [value] => towels_pperson_standard_plus_mini [translation] => Broj ručnika [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_kitchen_cloth] => Array ( [property_kitchen_cloths] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Kuhinjske krpe [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_gas] => Array ( [property_gas_supply] => Array ( [value] => yes-gas-in-price [translation] => Korištenje plina [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_electricity] => Array ( [property_electrical_energy] => Array ( [value] => yes-electicity-in-price [translation] => Potrošnja struje [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_water] => Array ( [property_water_supply_charge] => Array ( [value] => yes-water-in-price [translation] => Upotreba vode [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_extras_others] => Array ( [property_heating1] => Array ( [value] => no-heating [translation] => Grijanje [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [policies_cancellation_conditions] => Array ( [policies_cancelation] => Array ( [penalty_no_show] => Array ( [value] => padl_posto_100 [translation] => Naknada kod nedolaska gosta (no show) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [policies_free_cancellation_ar] => Array ( [sg_free_cancelation_ar] => Array ( [free_cancelation_er] => Array ( [value] => 24-hour-ar [translation] => Standardne rezervacije (više od 3 dana prije dolaska) [lat] => [lon] => ) [free_cancelation_3_days] => Array ( [value] => 4-hour-ar [translation] => Rezervacije obavljene unutar zadnja 3 dana prije dolaska [lat] => [lon] => ) [free_cancelation_last_day] => Array ( [value] => not-available [translation] => Rezervacije obavljene na dan dolaska [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [mandatory_at_reservation] => Array ( [sq_mandatory_at_reservation] => Array ( [InformArrivalTime] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Vrijeme dolaska [lat] => [lon] => ) [key_pickup] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => komunicirati informacije o lokaciji ključeva [lat] => [lon] => ) [key_pickup_address_client_id] => Array ( [value] => 125736 [translation] => ID partnera / adrese na kojoj se nalazi ključ [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [] => Array ( [] => Array ( [year_renovated] => Array ( [value] => 2020 [translation] => Godina zadnje rekonstrukcije [lat] => [lon] => ) [year_rent_start] => Array ( [value] => 2009 [translation] => Godina početka iznajmljivanja apartmana [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [check_in_out] => Array ( [] => Array ( [use_property_check_in_out] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Koristi postavke prijave i odjave [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_obracun] => Array ( [value] => PPOM [translation] => Tip obračuna [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkin_od] => Array ( [value] => 14:00 [translation] => Prijava od [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkin_do] => Array ( [value] => 20:00 [translation] => Prijava do [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkout_od] => Array ( [value] => 08:00 [translation] => Odjava od [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkout_do] => Array ( [value] => 10:00 [translation] => Odjava do [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [] => Array ( [description_about_property_frontname] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => NAZIV OBJEKTA NA STRANICAMA (portalima) ) [description_about_property_short] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS OBJEKTA - KRATKI (do 200 znakova) [lat] => [lon] => ) [description_about_property_long] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS OBJEKTA - DUGI [lat] => [lon] => ) [description_about_neighborhood] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS MIKRO LOKACIJE OBJEKTA (susjedstvo) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) ) [structure] => Array ( ) [booktype] => Array ( [0] => 100 [1] => 200 ) [bed_linen] => included [towels] => included [dish_towels] => included [facilities_unit] => Array ( [maindata] => Array ( [unit_building_facilities] => Array ( [unit_floor] => Array ( [value] => first_floor [translation] => Kat na kojem je smještaj (ulaz) ) [floors_in_unit] => Array ( [value] => floors_number_1 [translation] => Broj podova (katova) u smještaju (jedinici) ) [private_entrance] => Array ( [value] => no_private_entrance [translation] => Ulaz u smještaj (privatni ili zajednički) ) [entire_property_on_ground_floor] => Array ( [value] => upper_floor_reachable_by_stairs_only [translation] => Kat i pristup višim katovima ) [dostupnost_inv_kolica] => Array ( [value] => no_wheelchair_accessible [translation] => Prilagođeno osobama sa posebnim potrebama ) ) [unit_maindata_others] => Array ( [smoking] => Array ( [value] => off [translation] => Pušenje ) [children_ok] => Array ( [value] => yes-children-are-wellcome [translation] => Boravak djece u objektu ) ) ) [char_general] => Array ( [unit_gradevinske_znacajke] => Array ( [detached] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => samostalni, odvojeni smještaj ) [balcony] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => balkon ) [outside_shower] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => vanjski tuš ) [outdoor_dining_area] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => vanjski prostor za blagovanje ) [outdoor_security_camera] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => vanjska nadzorna kamera ) ) [unit_equipment] => Array ( [air_condition] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => klima ) [unit_trash_cans] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => kanta za smeće ) ) [kitchen] => Array ( [refrigerator] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => hladnjak ) [dishes] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => posuđe ) [oven_pu] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => pećnica ) [freezing_compartment] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => odjeljak za zamzavanje ) [dishwasher] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => perilica posuđa ) [microwave] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => mikrovalna pećnica ) [toaster] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => toster ) [cooking_electric] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => električni štednjak ) [shared_barbecue] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Zajednički roštilj ) [tea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => čajnik (kuhalo za vodu) ) [coffee] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => caffe aparat ) [cooking_highchair] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => visoka stolica za djecu ) ) [unit_dining_equipment] => Array ( [dining_table_4_persons] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Stol za 4 osobe ) [chairs] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Stolice ) [dinner_set] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Pribor za jelo ) ) [unit_living_equipment] => Array ( [unit_living_terrace_exit] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => izlaz na terasu ) [unit_living_aircondition] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => klima ) [unit_living_ceramic_floor] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => keramički pod ) [unit_big_sofa] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => sjedeća garnitura ) [unit_living_sat_tv] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => SAT TV ) ) [unit_bedroom_equipment] => Array ( [twin_bed] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => bračni krevet ) [unit_wardrobe_closet] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => ormar ) [unit_bedroom_parquet_floor] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => parketni pod ) ) [unit_bathroom_equipment] => Array ( [washbasin] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => umivaonik ) [unit_wc] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => WC školjka ) [washing_machine] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => perilica rublja ) [shower] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => tuš ) ) [unit_equipment_technic] => Array ( [sattv] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => SAT TV ) [internet_wireless] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Internet - wireless priključak ) ) [unit_pogled_mikrolokacija] => Array ( [un_view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => pogled more ) [un_view_pool] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => pogled na bazen ) ) ) [internet_parking_pets] => Array ( [sg_internet] => Array ( [internet-paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Postoji li veza na internet i njegov status ) [internet-connectiontype] => Array ( [value] => wifi [translation] => Tip internet veze ) [internet-location] => Array ( [value] => int-con-all-rooms [translation] => Dostupnost internet veze ) ) [sg_parking] => Array ( [parking-paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Parkirališno mjesto ) [parking-privateorpublic] => Array ( [value] => park_private [translation] => Tip parkirališnog mjesta ) [parking-location] => Array ( [value] => park_loc_on_site [translation] => Lokacija parkirališnog mjesta ) ) [sg_pets] => Array ( [pets] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Kućni ljubimci ) [pets_yes_no_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => Manji kućni ljubimci (do 7 kg) ) [pets_over_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => Kućni ljubimci teži od 7 kg ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [] => Array ( [description_unit_short] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS SMJEŠTAJNE JEDINICE - KRATKI (do 200 znakova) ) [description_unit_long] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS SMJEŠTAJNE JEDINICE - DUGI ) ) ) [extras_to_pay_and_conditions] => Array ( [unit_extras_others] => Array ( [heating1] => Array ( [value] => no-heating [translation] => Grijanje ) [deposit_obligatory] => Array ( [value] => deposit-is-obligatory [translation] => Depozit kod dolaska ) [final_cleaning] => Array ( [value] => final-cleaning-in-price [translation] => Završno čišćenje ) ) [unit_bed_linen] => Array ( [bed_linen] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Posteljina ) [bed_linen_change] => Array ( [value] => bed_linen_change_weekly [translation] => Mijenjanje posteljine ) ) [unit_towels] => Array ( [towels] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Ručnici ) [towels_change] => Array ( [value] => towels_change_weekly [translation] => Promjena ručnika ) [towels_set] => Array ( [value] => towels_pperson_standard_plus_mini [translation] => Broj ručnika ) ) [unit_cloths] => Array ( [kitchen_cloths] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Kuhinjske krpe ) ) [sg_water_gas_electricity] => Array ( [electrical_energy] => Array ( [value] => yes-electicity-in-price [translation] => Potrošnja struje ) [gas_supply] => Array ( [value] => yes-gas-in-price [translation] => Korištenje plina ) [water_supply_charge] => Array ( [value] => yes-water-in-price [translation] => Upotreba vode ) ) ) ) [pictures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 848 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [1] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [2] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [3] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [4] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [5] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [6] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [7] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [8] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [9] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [10] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [11] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [12] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [13] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [14] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [15] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 798 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [16] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [17] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 3744 [url] => [width] => 636 [height] => 960 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [18] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1366 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [19] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [20] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [21] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [22] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [23] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [24] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [25] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [26] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [27] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [28] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [29] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [30] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 796 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [31] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 795 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [32] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [33] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [34] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 802 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [35] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 804 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [36] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 799 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [37] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [38] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 899 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [39] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 899 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [40] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) ) [rooms] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 3744 [property_unit_room_id] => 10333 [property_unit_room_type_id] => kitchen_dining_living_sleeping [property_unit_room_type_name] => kuhinja + blagovaonica + dnevni boravak s ležajevima [area] => 45 [floor] => [balcony_area] => 25 [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [balcony] => Array ( [translation] => Balkon / m2 [group] => room_buliding ) [room_air_condition] => Array ( [translation] => klima [group] => room_equipment ) [refrigerator] => Array ( [translation] => hladnjak [group] => kitchen ) [dishes] => Array ( [translation] => posuđe [group] => kitchen ) [oven_pu] => Array ( [translation] => pećnica [group] => kitchen ) [freezing_compartment] => Array ( [translation] => odjeljak za zamzavanje [group] => kitchen ) [dishwasher] => Array ( [translation] => perilica posuđa [group] => kitchen ) [stove] => Array ( [translation] => štednjak [group] => kitchen ) [microwave] => Array ( [translation] => mikrovalna pećnica [group] => kitchen ) [cooking_electric] => Array ( [translation] => električni štednjak [group] => kitchen ) [shared_barbecue] => Array ( [translation] => Zajednički roštilj [group] => kitchen ) [coffee] => Array ( [translation] => caffe aparat [group] => kitchen ) [unit_living_terrace_exit] => Array ( [translation] => izlaz na terasu [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_living_aircondition] => Array ( [translation] => klima [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_big_sofa] => Array ( [translation] => sjedeća garnitura [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_living_sat_tv] => Array ( [translation] => SAT TV [group] => unit_living_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 1 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => extra [bed_name] => pomoćni ležaj (80x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 1 [group] => additional ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 3744 [property_unit_room_id] => 10330 [property_unit_room_type_id] => sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => spavaća soba [area] => 18 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [twin_bed] => Array ( [translation] => bračni krevet [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) [unit_wardrobe_closet] => Array ( [translation] => ormar [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) [unit_bedroom_parquet_floor] => Array ( [translation] => parketni pod [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 2 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => double180 [bed_name] => bračni ležaj (180x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 2 [group] => basic ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 3744 [property_unit_room_id] => 10331 [property_unit_room_type_id] => sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => spavaća soba [area] => 10 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [unit_wardrobe_closet] => Array ( [translation] => ormar [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) [unit_bedroom_parquet_floor] => Array ( [translation] => parketni pod [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 2 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => single90 [bed_name] => ležaj (90x200) [quantity] => 2 [persons] => 1 [group] => basic ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 3744 [property_unit_room_id] => 10334 [property_unit_room_type_id] => bathroom_toilet [property_unit_room_type_name] => kupaonica + WC [area] => 5 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [unit_wc] => Array ( [translation] => WC školjka [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [shower] => Array ( [translation] => tuš [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 3744 [property_unit_room_id] => 10335 [property_unit_room_type_id] => toilet [property_unit_room_type_name] => WC [area] => 2 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [unit_wc] => Array ( [translation] => WC školjka [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( ) ) ) [bathroom_count] => 1 [bedroom_count] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [id_cjenik] => 70765 [property_id] => 1852 [inquiry] => 1 [online] => 1 [property_unit_id] => 20611 [property_unit_code] => HR-01852-02 [property_unit_type_id] => 10 [island] => [city] => Crikvenica [id_country] => HR [property_unit_name] => Array ( [hr] => DANICA 2 ) [unit_type_name] => Dvosobni apartman [property_type_name] => Privatni apartmani [lat] => 45.185525 [lon] => 14.679233 [category] => 3 [owner_email] => [email protected] [description_unit_short] =>
Pješčana plaža 500 m, plaža sa sitnim šljunkom 200 m, šljunčana plaža 200 m, betonska plaža 200 m, centar 1000 m, restoran 200 m, supermarket 30 m, vez za čamac 500 m, ronilački klub 500 m, disko 1000 mOvaj apartman nalazi se u blizini pješčane plaže u Crikvenici. U suterenu ove kuće je mali supermarket u kojem možeti kupiti sve za prvu ruku.
Ovaj je stan vrlo moderno i luksuzno uređen. S balkona apartmana i dnevnog boravka pruža se prekrasan pogled na more.
[description_unit_long] =>Ovaj apartman nalazi se u blizini pješčane plaže u Crikvenici. U suterenu ove kuće je mali supermarket u kojem možeti kupiti sve za prvu ruku.
Ovaj je stan vrlo moderno i luksuzno uređen. S balkona apartmana i dnevnog boravka pruža se prekrasan pogled na more.
U prizemlju kuće nalazi se zajednički salon koji je opremljen stolom za biljar, pikado konzolom, kućnim kinom i Playstationom 4 s igrama.
Dnevni boravak je besplatan i otvoren je od 12:00 do 22:00.Domaćin, koji je po zanimanju trener tenisa, nudi satove tenisa po dogovoru. Teniski teren udaljen je 350 metara od apartmana.
Dnevni boravak:
Dnevni boravak/blagovaonica i kuhinja nalaze se u jednoj sobi, balkon, pogled na more, pločice, SAT TV, 1 pomoćni ležajKuhinja:
Kuhinja, posuđe, kuhinjske krpe, električni štednjak, ploče za kuhanje: 4, pećnica, hladnjak sa zamrzivačem, aparat za filter kavu, kuhalo za vodu, mikrovalna pećnica, toster, perilica posuđaSpavaća soba:
Dvokrevetna soba, dvokrevetna soba s bračnim krevetom, laminat
Dvokrevetna soba, dvokrevetna soba sa odvojenim krevetima, laminatKupaonica:
Kupaonica s WC-om, tušem
Odvojeni WCBalkon/terasa:
Vlastiti balkon, djelomično natkriven, pogled na more, namještaj za sjedenje, suncobranViše informacija:
Roštilj, parking na posjedu, kućni ljubimci su dozvoljeni uz nadoknadu 10,00 EUR/dan, klima uređaj, vlasnik živi u istoj kući, posteljina je dostupna, ručnici na raspolaganju, perilica rublja kod iznajmljivača uz naknadu 7,00 EUR, internet putem W-LAN-a,
Dječji krevetić i dječja stolica su na raspolaganju.
Iza kuće je privatno parkiralište rezervirano za goste ove kuće.U istoj kući nalazi se gotovo identičan apartman. Veće obitelji mogu rezervirati oba apartmana.
Molimo da obratite pozornost na to da su svi dijelovi ovog ugostiteljskog objekta isključivo gostima ove kuće.
[quantity] => 1 [area] => 90 [floor] => 2 [persons_beds_basic] => 4 [persons_beds_additional] => 1 [facilities] => Array ( [property_in_main_set] => Array ( [main] => Array ( [owner_in_house] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => vlasnik živi u objektu ) ) [sport_zabava] => Array ( [in_billiard] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => biljar [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_equipment] => Array ( [air_condition] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => klima u zajedničkim prostorima ) [tv_room] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => tv sala ) [terrace] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => terasa [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_service] => Array ( [service_bed_only] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => noćenje ) ) [spa_pool] => Array ( [in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => bazen, negrijani, otvoreni, slatkovodni [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_special] => Array ( [special_summer] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => ljetni odmor ) [special_family] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => obiteljski odmor ) [special_pets] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => kućni ljubimci dobrodošli ) ) [sg_language] => Array ( [language_hr] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => hrvatski ) [language_de] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => njemački ) ) ) [property_location_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => more ) ) ) [property_extra_service] => Array ( [sg_extra_service_main] => Array ( [transfer_to_airport] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Dodaj aerodrom [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_backyard] => Array ( [parking_garage] => Array ( [in_parking_place] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Vlastito parkiralište uz objekt [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [backyard] => Array ( [use_grill] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => omogućena uporaba roštilja ) [in_garden_forniture] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Vrtna garnitura, namještaj [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_infrastructure] => Array ( [sg_electricity] => Array ( [electricity_network_220] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => javna mreža 220 V ) ) [sg_water] => Array ( [water_supply] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => vodovod ) ) [sg_hot_water] => Array ( [hot_water_boiler_electric] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => bojler na struju ) ) ) [property_food_beverages] => Array ( [sg_property_food_beverages_main] => Array ( [meals_in_property] => Array ( [value] => meals_not_serve [translation] => Posluživanje hrane u objektu [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_property_food_bev_meals] => Array ( [breakfast_in_property] => Array ( [value] => breakfast_not_serve [translation] => Doručak [lat] => [lon] => ) [lunch_in_property] => Array ( [value] => lunch_not_serve [translation] => Ručak [lat] => [lon] => ) [dinner_in_property] => Array ( [value] => dinner_not_serve [translation] => Večera [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_common] => Array ( [disg_common] => Array ( [center] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => Središte grada ) [dis_park] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => park, zelena površina [lat] => [lon] => ) [sea] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => More [lat] => [lon] => ) [dis_hospital] => Array ( [value] => 1.5 [translation] => bolnica, hitna pomoć [lat] => [lon] => ) [dis_police] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => policija [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [disg_transport] => Array ( [bus] => Array ( [value] => 1.3 [translation] => autobusne stanice [lat] => [lon] => ) [public_transport] => Array ( [value] => 1.5 [translation] => javni prijevoz [lat] => [lon] => ) [dis_taxi] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => taxi [lat] => [lon] => ) [train] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 40 [translation] => Željeznička stanica ) [airport] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 25 [translation] => Zračna luka ) ) ) [property_sea_activities] => Array ( [disg_sea] => Array ( [beach_bar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => bar na plaži ) [water_sports] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => ostali sportovi i zabava na vodi ) [diving] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => ronjenje ) [water_skiing] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => skijanje na vodi ) ) [disg_beaches] => Array ( [beach_concrete] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => betonska plaža [lat] => [lon] => ) [beach] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.2 [translation] => javna plaža ) [beach_sandy] => Array ( [value] => 0.5 [translation] => pješčana plaža [lat] => [lon] => ) [beach_shingle] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => šljunčana plaža [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_sport_distance] => Array ( [sport] => Array ( [badminton] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => badminton ) [bike_rent] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => iznajmljivanje bicikala ) [sport_equipment_rent] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => iznajmljivanje sportske opreme ) [basketball] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => košarka ) [mini_golf] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => mini-golf ) [soccer] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => nogomet ) [pintball] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.3 [translation] => paintball ) [paragliding] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 8 [translation] => paragliding ) [table_tennis] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => stolni tenis ) [tennis] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.3 [translation] => tenis ) [distance_stadium] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => stadion [lat] => [lon] => ) [distance_body_water] => Array ( [value] => 0.2 [translation] => vodena površina [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_shop_services] => Array ( [disg_shops] => Array ( [kiosk] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => kiosk (novine i sl.) ) [supermarket] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => super-market ) [souvenirshop] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => suvenirnica ) [grocery_shop] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.03 [translation] => trgovina ) [green_market] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => tržnica ) ) [disg_services] => Array ( [bank] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => banka ) [atm] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => bankomat ) [hairdresser] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => frizerski salon ) [exchange] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => mjenjačnica ) [post] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => pošta ) [restaurant] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.2 [translation] => restoran ) ) ) [property_hoby_leisure] => Array ( [hoby] => Array ( [distance_lake] => Array ( [value] => 10 [translation] => Jezero [lat] => [lon] => ) [fishing] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => ribolov ) ) [leisure] => Array ( [bar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 0.5 [translation] => bar ) [casino] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => casino ) [disco] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => disco ) [night_bar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 1 [translation] => noćni bar ) [distance_going_out] => Array ( [value] => 1 [translation] => Izlazak, zabava [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [real_distance] => Array ( [rdsg_food] => Array ( [real_distance_restaurant] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Restorani [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_caffebar] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Caffe-bar ) ) [rdsg_shop] => Array ( [real_distance_other_shop] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Ostali trgovački sadržaji [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_market] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Market [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_generalsupplies] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Trgovački centri [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [real_distance_transport] => Array ( [rdsg_kopno] => Array ( [real_distance_bus] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Autobus [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_train] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Željeznička stanica ) [real_distance_highway] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Autoput (izlaz) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [rdsg_zrak] => Array ( [real_distance_airport] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Zračna luka ) ) [rdsg_more] => Array ( [real_distance_ferry] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Trajekt (luka) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [real_distance_sights] => Array ( [rdsg_nature] => Array ( [real_distance_beach] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Plaže [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_seaocean] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => More/ocean [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_lake] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Jezero [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_nature] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Ostale prirodne znamenitosti ) ) [rdsg_culture] => Array ( [real_distance_museum] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Muzeji [lat] => [lon] => ) [real_distance_culture] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => Ostale kulturne znamenitosti [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [kids_policy] => Array ( [sg_kids_policy] => Array ( [kids_allowed] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Dozvoljen boravak djece [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [house_rules] => Array ( [sg_house_rules] => Array ( [parties_allowed] => Array ( [value] => no [translation] => Priređivanje zabava [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_internet_parking_pets] => Array ( [property_sg_internet] => Array ( [property_internet_paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes_free [translation] => Postoji li veza na internet i njegov status [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_internet_connectiontype] => Array ( [value] => wifi [translation] => Tip internet veze [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_internet_location] => Array ( [value] => some_rooms [translation] => Dostupnost internet veze [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_parking] => Array ( [property_parking_paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => parking_yes_free [translation] => Parkirališno mjesto [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_parking_privateorpublic] => Array ( [value] => private [translation] => Tip parkirališnog mjesta [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_parking_location] => Array ( [value] => on_site [translation] => Lokacija parkirališnog mjesta [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_parking_reservation] => Array ( [value] => not_needed [translation] => Rezervacija parkirališnog mjesta [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_pets] => Array ( [pets_allowed] => Array ( [value] => yes_pets [translation] => Kućni ljubimci [lat] => [lon] => ) [pets_charges_yes_no] => Array ( [value] => pets_charges_may_apply [translation] => Dodatna plaćanja za kućne ljubimce [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_pets_yes_no_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => Manji kućni ljubimci (do 7 kg) [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_pets_over_7] => Array ( [value] => on-inquiry [translation] => Kućni ljubimci teži od 7 kg [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_extras_to_pay_and_conditions] => Array ( [property_final_cleaning] => Array ( [property_final_cleaning] => Array ( [value] => final-cleaning-in-price [translation] => Završno čišćenje [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_security_deposit] => Array ( [property_deposit_obligatory] => Array ( [value] => deposit-is-obligatory [translation] => Depozit (za slučaj štete) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_bed_linen] => Array ( [property_bed_linen] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Posteljina [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_bed_linen_change] => Array ( [value] => bed_linen_change_weekly [translation] => Mijenjanje posteljine [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_towels] => Array ( [property_towels] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Ručnici [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_towels_change] => Array ( [value] => towels_change_weekly [translation] => Promjena ručnika [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_towels_set] => Array ( [value] => towels_pperson_standard_plus_mini [translation] => Broj ručnika [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_kitchen_cloth] => Array ( [property_kitchen_cloths] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Kuhinjske krpe [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_gas] => Array ( [property_gas_supply] => Array ( [value] => yes-gas-in-price [translation] => Korištenje plina [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_electricity] => Array ( [property_electrical_energy] => Array ( [value] => yes-electicity-in-price [translation] => Potrošnja struje [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_sg_water] => Array ( [property_water_supply_charge] => Array ( [value] => yes-water-in-price [translation] => Upotreba vode [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [property_extras_others] => Array ( [property_heating1] => Array ( [value] => no-heating [translation] => Grijanje [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [policies_cancellation_conditions] => Array ( [policies_cancelation] => Array ( [penalty_no_show] => Array ( [value] => padl_posto_100 [translation] => Naknada kod nedolaska gosta (no show) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [policies_free_cancellation_ar] => Array ( [sg_free_cancelation_ar] => Array ( [free_cancelation_er] => Array ( [value] => 24-hour-ar [translation] => Standardne rezervacije (više od 3 dana prije dolaska) [lat] => [lon] => ) [free_cancelation_3_days] => Array ( [value] => 4-hour-ar [translation] => Rezervacije obavljene unutar zadnja 3 dana prije dolaska [lat] => [lon] => ) [free_cancelation_last_day] => Array ( [value] => not-available [translation] => Rezervacije obavljene na dan dolaska [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [mandatory_at_reservation] => Array ( [sq_mandatory_at_reservation] => Array ( [InformArrivalTime] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Vrijeme dolaska [lat] => [lon] => ) [key_pickup] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => komunicirati informacije o lokaciji ključeva [lat] => [lon] => ) [key_pickup_address_client_id] => Array ( [value] => 125736 [translation] => ID partnera / adrese na kojoj se nalazi ključ [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [] => Array ( [] => Array ( [year_renovated] => Array ( [value] => 2020 [translation] => Godina zadnje rekonstrukcije [lat] => [lon] => ) [year_rent_start] => Array ( [value] => 2009 [translation] => Godina početka iznajmljivanja apartmana [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [check_in_out] => Array ( [] => Array ( [use_property_check_in_out] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Koristi postavke prijave i odjave [lat] => [lon] => ) [property_obracun] => Array ( [value] => PPOM [translation] => Tip obračuna [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkin_od] => Array ( [value] => 14:00 [translation] => Prijava od [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkin_do] => Array ( [value] => 20:00 [translation] => Prijava do [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkout_od] => Array ( [value] => 08:00 [translation] => Odjava od [lat] => [lon] => ) [checkout_do] => Array ( [value] => 10:00 [translation] => Odjava do [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [] => Array ( [description_about_property_frontname] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => NAZIV OBJEKTA NA STRANICAMA (portalima) ) [description_about_property_short] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS OBJEKTA - KRATKI (do 200 znakova) [lat] => [lon] => ) [description_about_property_long] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS OBJEKTA - DUGI [lat] => [lon] => ) [description_about_neighborhood] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS MIKRO LOKACIJE OBJEKTA (susjedstvo) [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) ) [structure] => Array ( ) [booktype] => Array ( [0] => 100 [1] => 200 ) [bed_linen] => included [towels] => included [dish_towels] => included [facilities_unit] => Array ( [maindata] => Array ( [unit_building_facilities] => Array ( [unit_floor] => Array ( [value] => second_floor [translation] => Kat na kojem je smještaj (ulaz) ) [floors_in_unit] => Array ( [value] => floors_number_1 [translation] => Broj podova (katova) u smještaju (jedinici) ) [private_entrance] => Array ( [value] => no_private_entrance [translation] => Ulaz u smještaj (privatni ili zajednički) ) [dostupnost_inv_kolica] => Array ( [value] => no_wheelchair_accessible [translation] => Prilagođeno osobama sa posebnim potrebama ) ) [unit_maindata_others] => Array ( [children_ok] => Array ( [value] => yes-children-are-wellcome [translation] => Boravak djece u objektu ) ) ) [char_general] => Array ( [unit_gradevinske_znacajke] => Array ( [balcony] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => balkon ) [outside_shower] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => vanjski tuš ) ) [unit_equipment] => Array ( [air_condition] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => klima ) ) [kitchen] => Array ( [refrigerator] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => hladnjak ) [dishes] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => posuđe ) [oven_pu] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => pećnica ) [freezing_compartment] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => odjeljak za zamzavanje ) [dishwasher] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => perilica posuđa ) [stove] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => štednjak ) [microwave] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => mikrovalna pećnica ) [toaster] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => toster ) [shared_barbecue] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Zajednički roštilj ) [coffee] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => caffe aparat ) [cooking_highchair] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => visoka stolica za djecu ) ) [unit_living_equipment] => Array ( [unit_living_terrace_exit] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => izlaz na terasu ) [unit_living_aircondition] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => klima ) [unit_living_ceramic_floor] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => keramički pod ) [unit_three_seater] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => trosjed ) [unit_two_seater] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => dvosjed ) [unit_living_sat_tv] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => SAT TV ) ) [unit_bedroom_equipment] => Array ( [twin_bed] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => bračni krevet ) [unit_wardrobe_closet] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => ormar ) [unit_bedroom_parquet_floor] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => parketni pod ) ) [unit_bathroom_equipment] => Array ( [unit_wc] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => WC školjka ) [washing_machine] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => perilica rublja ) [shower] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => tuš ) ) [unit_equipment_technic] => Array ( [sattv] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => SAT TV ) [internet_wireless] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Internet - wireless priključak ) ) [unit_pogled_mikrolokacija] => Array ( [un_view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => pogled more ) [un_view_pool] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => pogled na bazen ) ) ) [internet_parking_pets] => Array ( [sg_internet] => Array ( [internet-paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Postoji li veza na internet i njegov status ) [internet-connectiontype] => Array ( [value] => wifi [translation] => Tip internet veze ) [internet-location] => Array ( [value] => int-con-all-rooms [translation] => Dostupnost internet veze ) ) [sg_parking] => Array ( [parking-paidorfree] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Parkirališno mjesto ) [parking-privateorpublic] => Array ( [value] => park_private [translation] => Tip parkirališnog mjesta ) [parking-location] => Array ( [value] => park_loc_on_site [translation] => Lokacija parkirališnog mjesta ) ) [sg_pets] => Array ( [pets] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Kućni ljubimci ) [pets_yes_no_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => Manji kućni ljubimci (do 7 kg) ) [pets_over_7] => Array ( [value] => accept-paid [translation] => Kućni ljubimci teži od 7 kg ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [] => Array ( [description_unit_short] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS SMJEŠTAJNE JEDINICE - KRATKI (do 200 znakova) ) [description_unit_long] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => OPIS SMJEŠTAJNE JEDINICE - DUGI ) ) ) [extras_to_pay_and_conditions] => Array ( [unit_extras_others] => Array ( [heating1] => Array ( [value] => no-heating [translation] => Grijanje ) [deposit_obligatory] => Array ( [value] => deposit-is-obligatory [translation] => Depozit kod dolaska ) [final_cleaning] => Array ( [value] => final-cleaning-in-price [translation] => Završno čišćenje ) ) [unit_bed_linen] => Array ( [bed_linen] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Posteljina ) [bed_linen_change] => Array ( [value] => bed_linen_change_weekly [translation] => Mijenjanje posteljine ) ) [unit_towels] => Array ( [towels] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Ručnici ) [towels_change] => Array ( [value] => towels_change_weekly [translation] => Promjena ručnika ) [towels_set] => Array ( [value] => towels_pperson_standard_plus_mini [translation] => Broj ručnika ) ) [unit_cloths] => Array ( [kitchen_cloths] => Array ( [value] => yes-free [translation] => Kuhinjske krpe ) ) [sg_water_gas_electricity] => Array ( [electrical_energy] => Array ( [value] => yes-electicity-in-price [translation] => Potrošnja struje ) [gas_supply] => Array ( [value] => yes-gas-in-price [translation] => Korištenje plina ) [water_supply_charge] => Array ( [value] => yes-water-in-price [translation] => Upotreba vode ) ) ) ) [pictures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 848 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [1] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [2] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [3] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 789 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [4] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [5] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 796 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [6] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 796 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [7] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [8] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [9] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [10] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [11] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 798 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [12] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [13] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [14] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [15] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 20611 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [16] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1366 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [17] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [18] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [19] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [20] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [21] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [22] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [23] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [24] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [25] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [26] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [27] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [28] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 796 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [29] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 795 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [30] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [31] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [32] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 802 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [33] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 804 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [34] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 799 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [35] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [36] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 899 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [37] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 899 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [38] => Array ( [id_property] => 1852 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 800 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) ) [rooms] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 20611 [property_unit_room_id] => 71722 [property_unit_room_type_id] => kitchen_dining_living_sleeping [property_unit_room_type_name] => kuhinja + blagovaonica + dnevni boravak s ležajevima [area] => 50 [floor] => [balcony_area] => 11 [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [balcony] => Array ( [translation] => Balkon / m2 [group] => room_buliding ) [room_air_condition] => Array ( [translation] => klima [group] => room_equipment ) [refrigerator] => Array ( [translation] => hladnjak [group] => kitchen ) [dishes] => Array ( [translation] => posuđe [group] => kitchen ) [oven_pu] => Array ( [translation] => pećnica [group] => kitchen ) [freezing_compartment] => Array ( [translation] => odjeljak za zamzavanje [group] => kitchen ) [dishwasher] => Array ( [translation] => perilica posuđa [group] => kitchen ) [stove] => Array ( [translation] => štednjak [group] => kitchen ) [microwave] => Array ( [translation] => mikrovalna pećnica [group] => kitchen ) [toaster] => Array ( [translation] => toster [group] => kitchen ) [shared_barbecue] => Array ( [translation] => Zajednički roštilj [group] => kitchen ) [tea] => Array ( [translation] => čajnik (kuhalo za vodu) [group] => kitchen ) [coffee] => Array ( [translation] => caffe aparat [group] => kitchen ) [unit_living_terrace_exit] => Array ( [translation] => izlaz na terasu [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_living_aircondition] => Array ( [translation] => klima [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_living_ceramic_floor] => Array ( [translation] => keramički pod [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_three_seater] => Array ( [translation] => trosjed [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_two_seater] => Array ( [translation] => dvosjed [group] => unit_living_equipment ) [unit_living_sat_tv] => Array ( [translation] => SAT TV [group] => unit_living_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 1 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => extra [bed_name] => pomoćni ležaj (80x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 1 [group] => additional ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 20611 [property_unit_room_id] => 65209 [property_unit_room_type_id] => sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => spavaća soba [area] => 15 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [twin_bed] => Array ( [translation] => bračni krevet [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) [unit_wardrobe_closet] => Array ( [translation] => ormar [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) [unit_bedroom_parquet_floor] => Array ( [translation] => parketni pod [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 2 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => double160 [bed_name] => bračni ležaj (160x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 2 [group] => basic ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 20611 [property_unit_room_id] => 65210 [property_unit_room_type_id] => sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => spavaća soba [area] => 13 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [unit_wardrobe_closet] => Array ( [translation] => ormar [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) [unit_bedroom_parquet_floor] => Array ( [translation] => parketni pod [group] => unit_bedroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 2 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => single90 [bed_name] => ležaj (90x200) [quantity] => 2 [persons] => 1 [group] => basic ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 20611 [property_unit_room_id] => 71723 [property_unit_room_type_id] => bathroom_toilet [property_unit_room_type_name] => kupaonica + WC [area] => 4 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [unit_wc] => Array ( [translation] => WC školjka [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [shower] => Array ( [translation] => tuš [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 20611 [property_unit_room_id] => 71724 [property_unit_room_type_id] => toilet [property_unit_room_type_name] => WC [area] => 2 [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [unit_wc] => Array ( [translation] => WC školjka [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( ) ) ) [bathroom_count] => 1 [bedroom_count] => 2 ) ) ) [error_arr] => Array ( ) )
Pješčana plaža 500 m, fina šljunčana plaža 200 m, šljunčana plaža 200 m, betonska plaža 200 m, centar 1000 m, restoran 200 m, supermarket 30 m, vez za brod 500 m, ronilački klub 500 m, diskoteka 1000 m
Smještajna jedinica | Osoba / Kreveta | Površina | Kat | Raspoloživost | |
![]() Kupaonica: 1 |
+ |
82 m2 | 1 | Detalji | |
![]() Kupaonica: 1 |
+ |
90 m2 | 2 | Detalji |
Ovaj objekt nudi 2 apartmana svaki za 4-5 osoba u kojima su dozvoljeni kućni ljubimci. U prizemlju se nalazi zajednička soba s TV-om i biljarom, a vani je zajednička terasa, ekološki bazen površine 28 m² s vanjskim tušem i ležaljkama. Troškovi za kućnog ljubimca po danu iznosi 10,00 EUR, korištenje perilice rublja po pranju 7,00 EUR Bazen je u funkciji od 01.05.-01.11. ...
Ovaj objekt nudi 2 apartmana svaki za 4-5 osoba u kojima su dozvoljeni kućni ljubimci.
U prizemlju se nalazi zajednička soba s TV-om i biljarom, a vani je zajednička terasa, ekološki bazen površine 28 m² s vanjskim tušem i ležaljkama.
Troškovi za kućnog ljubimca po danu iznosi 10,00 EUR, korištenje perilice rublja po pranju 7,00 EUR
Bazen je u funkciji od 01.05.-01.11.
Ulli Travel d.o.o.
Kod: HR-AB-51-080906713
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Telefon: | +38551784134 |
Ulli Travel d.o.o.
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Kod American Express kartica sigurnosni kod je četiri znamenke ispisane neposredno iznad broja kartice.