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Privacy Policy Statement
Purpose of the Statement

The privacy policy of the company Ulli Travel d.o.o. (hereinafter: the Agency) refers to the commitment of our employees to handle personal data of employees, customers, stakeholders, and other interested parties with the utmost care and confidentiality. With this Statement, we ensure that we collect, store, and process personal data fairly, transparently, and in compliance with the individual rights of individuals. The purpose of this Statement is to fully comply with the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

Scope of Application

This statement applies to all participants (employees, job candidates, customers, suppliers, etc.) who provide us with any form of personal information for our knowledge or use.

Personal Reach

Employees of our company must always act in accordance with this Statement. Contractors, consultants, partners, and any other external stakeholders are also covered by the Statement. In general, the rules outlined in this Statement apply to everyone with whom the Agency collaborates or who acts on behalf of the Agency and may need occasional access to collected personal data.

Elements of the Statement

A part of our business involves collecting and processing certain personal data. This information includes any offline or online data that identifies an individual, such as names, addresses, personal identification numbers, usernames and passwords, "digital fingerprints," photographs, social security numbers, financial data, etc. The Agency collects and processes this information in a transparent manner and only with the full cooperation and knowledge of the interested parties. Once this information is available to the Agency, the following rules and principles apply.

Principles of Data Protection

Personal data will be accurate, always up-to-date, and collected in good faith and only for lawful purposes. It will be processed by the company within legal and ethical limits, protected from unauthorized or unlawful access by internal or external stakeholders.

Personal data will not be used or communicated informally, used for other purposes, without the knowledge of the data subject, stored longer than the previously agreed time, transferred to organizations, states, or countries without adequate data protection policies, or provided to any other stakeholders, except those to whom the data owner has granted consent (except for legitimate requests from state authorities in law enforcement).

The Agency will pay particular attention to informing the data subjects about which of their personal data will be collected, how their data will be processed, who will have access to their information, establishing procedures for handling lost, damaged, or compromised data, and allowing users to request modification, deletion, restriction, or correction of data in our databases.


To achieve everything related to personal data protection, we are committed to limiting and monitoring access to sensitive data, developing transparent data collection procedures, training employees on privacy measures on the internet and security measures, implementing network security to protect network data from cyber-attacks, establishing clear procedures for reporting privacy violations or data misuse, including clauses in contracts regarding the handling of data, and establishing data protection practices (shredding documents, security locks, encryption, frequent backups, access authorization, etc.).

Disciplinary Consequences

All stakeholders must strictly adhere to the principles described in this Statement. Any violation of these data protection guidelines will result in disciplinary measures and potentially other legal actions.